Saturday, January 5, 2008

What a difference a day makes!

The new post-Iowa polls have come in from New Hampshire... and it looks like we'll have to get used to the expression "frontrunner Barack Obama"!

The ARG poll has the race at

38% Obama
26% Clinton
20% Edwards

And Rasmussen Reports calls it at:
37% Obama
27% Clinton
19% Edwards

Frankly, it's awesome to see these numbers, though I hope that John Edwards will once more beat out Hillary Clinton in this race.

So, it's clear Obama has the momentum, but how does he compare face-to-face against the other candidates? Well, according to NBC's review of the debate tonight, he compares pretty well.

From NBC's Chuck Todd:
"Obama seemed to pass his test with flying colors. He got to look in command (telling Edwards, politely, when it was his turn to speak); he defended himself against Clinton by lecturing her tone and then got to look like the "normal" one by letting the moderator know who won the 'Skins game.

I'm not sure David Axelrod could have scripted this debate better if he did it himself.

Clinton as challenger? Well, she was dealt a real bodyblow when Edwards decided to defend Obama from the Clinton attack early on in the debate; that exchange will be the one played over and over again, and it's not good for Clinton."

Apparently, John Edwards can sense weakness in the Hillary camp... and he seems determined to help kill off her chances in the national race, as soon as possible. Good strategy, and thankfully one that benefits all progressives, regardless of who wins.

It also, of course, helps set the stage for Obama/Edwards '08. Or even Edwards/Obama '08, if he can find his footing and start pulling out a few victories. However, if Edwards is going to do it, he needs to do it soon. By signing on to federal matching funds, he has unfortunately limited his ability to raise additional funds that he will *need* towards the end of the race if states are still in contention. If he thinks he's getting outspent now, well... it's gonna get worse.

Ultimately, Obama and Edwards are *both* excellent candidates, and would be the biggest win for progressives in this country since JFK... maybe even FDR. But why look backwards, when we all can smile tonight and look forward to real change?

Can you feel it coming?! I can.

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